Ember’s Shadow - Into the Darkness, Chapter One

Here is a sneak peek at the first chapter for Ember’s Shadow!

A throbbing pain in my head told me I was too tired and too hungry to be sitting in an airport with a vampire who was cranky on his best of days. My only hope was for the third member of our party to arrive before the plane left for Phoenix or I was going to have to spend two hours packed like a sardine on an airplane with Marek.

While Marek is a powerful master vampire who could keep me safe from any number of attackers, I didn’t think he would be the best person to provide moral support for my fear of flying. My Guardian James would be the better choice. Unfortunately, James was running late due to an emergency at The Council of Guardians and I was afraid he wasn’t going to make it. 

I searched the crowd of people milling about for his tall blonde presence, but I didn’t find him. James had been my constant companion for weeks and I’ve come to rely on him for everything from my safety to moral support. He could wrap me in his arms and make me feel safe with nothing more than his embrace.

Maybe it’s his height and muscular stature but there is certainly something that draws me to James much easier than to anyone else I’ve ever met. From the moment I first saw him I knew he was important. 

A hand slid into mine, and I looked up into Marek’s bright blue eyes. They made me feel like I was drowning. It was startling yet compelling at the same time. I pulled my hand from his. I didn’t want to touch him. 

Marek's features were a little too sharp to be called traditionally handsome, but his features have grown on me. It may have something to do with him saving my life and sharing his blood with me. It also could be his dark hair that fell just past his ears and his athletic build. The package was impressive if you ignored his personality.

Marek glanced at me with soft eyes as if he knew what I was thinking. He did that from time to time now that we had shared blood. Based on my research, and I had done a lot in the past week, when vampires share blood with a human a bond is formed. That bond allows them to know where the human is and to feel their emotions. 

He and I have had a rocky start to our acquaintance, but he has proven I can trust him. He intrigues me and being intrigued by a vampire is a dangerous thing according to James. While I’m not convinced Marek has feelings like the rest of us, I’m not scared of him like I used to be

A call to start boarding was announced over the PA system and I felt myself start to panic because James was nowhere to be found.  Marek stood, seemingly unconcerned. His exterior calm at odds with my inner panic.

Just when I was going to call James to make sure he was in the terminal, my phone rang. 

"I'll be there soon," James said.

"You better run because they started boarding." I said.

"I’m almost to the parking garage. I should be there in less than ten minutes." James said.

"James, you don't have ten minutes even if you get through security quickly. DIA is a huge airport. You're not going to make it." I said.

"I'll get there one way or another even if I have to take another flight. Don't worry Em." He said, then hung up.

I dropped my phone back into my purse and looked up to find Marek standing next to me. He put a hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him. 

"Do not worry. James will make it," He said.

I nodded my head in agreement even though I didn't feel it. I needed to be on this plane to get to Natalie, and I needed James to be on it with me. I wasn't about to take on this quest without him. Having Marek with me was good, but something in the back of my mind told me that a human would be better able to deal with the desert heat of Arizona than a vampire.

Our boarding group was called, and Marek and I got in line. I was searching the area for James and crossing my fingers at the same time. I was a nervous wreck all knotted up inside and feeling frantic. People were steadily boarding in front of me, and soon only five people separated me from the gate and the walk down the jet bridge.

"Just walk," Marek said from behind me and placed his hand at the small of my back to push me forward.

I handed the lady my boarding pass then felt the heat of Marek’s fingertips through my t-shirt as he propelled me down the terminal bridge. My heart was racing so badly I couldn't swallow. I'm sure I looked like a terrorist with a bomb in my shoe because the flight attendant gave me a concerned look when I stepped onto the plane.

"She is nervous about flying," Marek said as an explanation to the woman. "Come now, my love. Take a deep breath, it will be alright."

I blinked hard at him and took a deep breath. It helped a little, and the flight attendant let me pass with a look of pity. Marek kept his hand on my back all the way down the aisle. He helped me into a window seat then settled in next to me. I looked over at him, and he locked eyes with me.

"He will make it," he said then turned away.

"You called me your love," I said, feeling confused.

He turned back to me and said, "You were behaving strangely, and people believe when a man and woman are traveling together, they are a couple."

"How did that work exactly?" I asked, confused.

"A man can calm his wife when she is nervous about flying." He said, pulling my hand into his.

He kissed my palm then looked up toward the front of the plane. My hand tingled where his lips had pressed onto it, and I was so stunned that I was in a haze for a few minutes. Marek was never nice, and his odd behavior threw me enough that I briefly forgot about James and my panic. 

I looked out the window and watched as the ground crew prepared the plane to move away from the gate. I checked my phone and noticed that James had tried to call. The message was brief but precise. He wasn't going to make it.

"Maybe we should catch a later flight," I said and started to stand.

Marek wouldn't budge and gave me no choice but to sit back down. He gave me a look that said I was crazy. All I knew was that it would be crazy to be alone on an airplane with a vampire. I needed James to hold my hand and tell me everything would be alright. If he were sitting next to me, saying reassuring words, everything would be okay.

The panic continued to rise in my body, and it was all I could do to stay seated. Running my hands through my hair and wringing my fingers wasn't taking the edge off at all. In fact, I could feel the beating of my heart speeding up with each breath I drew. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, and it was only going to be a matter of seconds before they fell down my face.

"Milaya moya, you must calm down. They will remove you from the airplane. I can hear them discussing it right now." He said in a firm but soothing voice.

I looked up toward the front of the plane, and sure enough, they were looking at me and speaking urgently. I blinked hard and tried to clear the tears from my eyes, but it was too much. I couldn't calm myself down.

"Help me," I whispered to Marek, but I knew there was nothing he would be able to do to help.

I was coming apart at the seams and completely unable to put a lid on my emotions. Marek realized it and smiled. Of all the things he could do a smile was not going to work. I looked at him, confused. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I was so completely shocked by his lips pressing into mine that I gave in to the sensation. 

I would have expected the lips of a vampire to be cold, but Marek's were warm and soft as velvet. He slipped his fingers into my hair and tilted my head back so that he could deepen the kiss. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, and I shivered in his arms. My breath came faster, and I realized that I was kissing him back, and it was…amazing.

While caught up in the moment I slipped my tongue between his lips and moaned when he pulled it deeper into his mouth. His grip tightened on my hair, and he kissed me more urgently. I was distantly aware of movement as the plane taxied away from the terminal, but I didn't care. Marek consumed me while his kiss made my body burn for his. It was the kind of kiss that leads to more.

My body was filling with desire, and every touch from Marek fueled my passion. I slid my hands up his chest feeling the hard muscle under his shirt and marveled at how good it felt. His embrace tightened around me, and my fingers trailed a path up to his neck. His skin was smooth and warm, and all I could think about was ripping the clothing away from his body so I could feel the length of him pressed against me.

His kiss was passion and sensuality mixed with power as our lips danced together. The rush of his power felt almost as pleasant as the press of his lips on mine. I didn't need to breathe as long as he was holding me, kissing me. His power would breathe for me.

Before the thought was completed in my mind, he pulled back ending the kiss then he smiled. I had never seen him smile like that. It was a genuine smile, and it was a rare gift from a man that was always so serious. It softened his features, and I realized for the first time that he was truly handsome.

I smiled back at Marek and pushed down the panic that was just under the surface. The thought of having made out with a vampire was a hysterical bubble ready to explode if I let it. He succeeded in calming me down, but I wasn't sure if it was by sacrificing himself or by taking advantage of the situation. 

Marek looked me in the eye and asked if I was okay.

"I'm fine," I said lamely.

He smiled then turned away. "James will catch the next plane. There is a direct flight leaving shortly after this one. He will not be too far behind us."

"Why did you do that?" I asked, but it sounded breathless and weak.

"Would you have preferred to be removed from the airplane?" he asked but turned away as if that was the end of the conversation.

"No, but you didn't have to kiss me…" I started, but he interrupted me.

"Your need for James to be near you is unwarranted. Besides your own power, I am more than adequately capable of protecting you." He said in a voice that was more accented than usual. 

I suspected he was a bit annoyed.

"That isn't the only reason I panicked, and you know it," I said.

"I know." He said and pushed my hair back over my shoulder. "You should rest."

The sudden familiarity was foreign, yet after that kiss, I wasn't sure what to expect. Right now, I was just thankful to have the caring side of Marek showing instead of the hardness he usually exhibited. 

I took several deep breaths to calm my still racing heart and put out the fire that Marek had kindled. I stared at his profile for a few minutes before finally turning away and looking out the window. 

This vampire was more than I could handle. The last thing I wanted was to be attracted to someone who I knew could be cold and uncaring. I had seen him treat people callously before, hell he had treated me that way, and I wasn't stupid enough to think he wouldn't do the same thing again.

He didn't look at me even though I knew he could feel my emotions. I wasn't going to be fooled by his sudden warm behavior. Marek had managed to wiggle his way into my good opinion lately, but that didn't mean that I trusted him the way I trusted James. 

I was more than a little curious to know if Marek would handle another panic attack in the same way. There were indeed other ways to calm someone down. I found it interesting that he chose to kiss me. 

I let myself relax, knowing there was nothing I could do about James. Being stuck on an airplane for a few hours with Marek was unavoidable at this point. My thoughts began to wander as I relaxed and let go of the anxiety that was pent up inside me. My breathing smoothed out, and I soon fell asleep.

A sudden bump of turbulence woke me and I grabbed Marek's hand so hard he winced. What could make a vampire wince? He looked at me in awe and it scared me.

My heart started to pound so hard I could feel it thumping against my chest. My face started to tingle, and I felt a little dizzy. There is something utterly helpless about being thousands of feet in the air and having no control over your fate. It was too similar to the reality of my life and the circumstances to which led me to be on this plane in the first place.

“It is a bump like one you drive over on a road.” Marek said.

“When I run over a bump on the road, I don’t plummet to my death from ten thousand feet in the air.” I said with venom.

Marek raised an eyebrow and smirked. Apparently, he thought I was being cute.

 Marek leaned toward me and said, “I would never let you fall.”

I paused looking at him and felt his sincerity through our bond.

“Somehow I believe you,” I said knowing that if anyone could do it, Marek could.

Marek stared at me for a moment as if he were shocked. He recovered quickly and squeezed my hand gently. The corner of his mouth turned up slightly and his eyes sparkled. A warmth slipped through the bond between us and my breath caught at the feeling.

I wasn’t used to the bond between us and experiencing another person’s feelings was surreal. In a moment like this I recognized his feelings separately from mine, but at other times they got confused. I wondered if he had bonded to anyone else before and if he knew how to handle it better than me. I assumed he did.

I realized I had no idea how old Marek was but asking him seemed like a dangerous question.  While he was currently being nice, I knew he could snap at me at any moment to become the unfeeling version of himself. I didn’t want to provoke the vampire, so I turned away to watch out the window.

Copyright Nichole M. Bridges 2019 no reproduction or distribution allowed.