Ember's Blood - Chapter 1 Excerpt

My body was slammed into a wall, and I saw stars for a moment before I could blink away the haze. The pause cost me crucial seconds, but once my head cleared, I noticed a fist headed toward my face. I ducked fast enough to avoid it then swept my legs out, knocking down my assailant. 

He hit the ground with a grunt, but I didn’t wait for him to come at me again. Using my kinetic power, I held him down on the ground with nothing but the strength of my mind, effectively immobilizing him for a moment while I planned my next move.

“What’s the matter, James? Something got you down?” I snickered.

“Not for long,” He replied from under me.

James brushed off my hold with whatever magic he had that allowed him to counter my powers. It was humbling to know that I wasn’t able to hold him for long. He had proven it enough times that I had learned to anticipate how long it would take him to free himself. My time had just run out.

I sprung forward before he could get off the floor and tackled him. After a moment, I had him pinned in what I was calling my signature pretzel maneuver. It was a wrestling move James had taught me that we modified to work for my smaller build. It was magic against a larger opponent like James.

“Looks like you are still flat on your back,” I said proudly.

“I’ve got you right where I want you, Ember.” He said eyes sparkling.

James hadn’t been able to get out of this hold before, so I was doubtful until he flipped me over and pinned me a second later. I lay there shocked until I heard clapping from the peanut gallery.

My vampire boyfriend walked out to where I struggled to break James’ hold on me and leaned down to my eye level.

“You pinned James faster this time and you moved as fast as a vampire to avoid that last punch,” Marek said then backed away so James could let me up.

That was the signal that the training session was over. I was relieved in a way but hated that it ended with James winning.

“If I had a few more minutes, I could have won.” I pouted.

“If it was anyone but me, you would have won. I’ve gotten to know you too well.” James said, assuring me, but it didn’t make me feel any better. I wanted to win every fight.

“Kicking your ass is high on my list of things to do, James,” I said, smiling.

He smirked and helped me to my feet. He pulled so hard I stumbled into him. My hands landed on his chest. Before I let myself enjoy the feeling, I took a step back and wiped at the sweat that had gathered on my brow. James had worked me hard and my body was feeling it.

James smiled down at me, then excused himself to meet his next student. He walked toward the locker room but instead of going in, he met someone that was coming out. I knew the man by silhouette alone. I should. He and I have known each other for over fifteen years. It was Nikko, my ex-boyfriend.

I let my eyes linger for a moment on Nikko’s narrow waist and wide shoulders. He is Italian with golden bronzed skin and dark hair that falls just below his ears. He looks equally good in a three-piece suit as he does in sweats and a t-shirt. He wore the latter now and I had to tear my eyes away from him.

“You will win the next, I have no doubt,” Marek said, pulling me toward him and out of my thoughts.

Marek took inventory of every bruise and cut on my body as he spoke. For as much as he wanted my training to be realistic, he was an overprotective vampire who could hardly bear a scratch upon my skin. I was surprised his next words weren’t an offer to take his blood to heal.

“Why is Nikko here?” I asked, trying not to watch Nikko walk toward me.

Trying to ignore Nikko looking sexy is like trying not to breathe. It works for a moment and then your body forces you to do it anyway.

“He took us up on our offer to train him. His body is strong from his workout routine, but he does not know how to fight. I believe the beating he received from The Egyptian illustrated that point well enough for him to seek help.” Marek said.

The Egyptian, aka Asher Sanz, was a formidable opponent who was hired to kidnap me and when he made his attempt, he and I fought. Thankfully Nikko was nearby and jumped in so I could make my getaway. Unfortunately, Nikko ended up in the hospital from his injuries. I could understand how that would prompt him to train.

“It’s my fault he got hurt. I should’ve been able to take care of Asher on my own.” I said, feeling bad about what had happened.

“He knew the consequences. Besides, you nearly killed Asher the next time you saw him. I think you proved your capabilities.” Marek said.

“Maybe,” I said softly watching Nikko as he drew closer.

Marek noticed me looking and he moved slightly in front of me. His eyes bore into mine as if challenging me to look around him. I rolled my eyes and stepped around him. He caught my arm before I passed him and the hurt in his eyes stung. I hadn’t considered him a jealous man, but at that moment, he was feeling it keenly.

“You have been rolling around on the ground with James and now you stare at Nikko as if you want to take him to your bed. I am not a saint, Ember.” Marek said softly.

His accent became thicker and the Russian almost overtook his English. I took pity on him.

“The last time I saw him, he had barely recovered from his hospital stay. I’m just glad to see him healthy again.” I said, trying to sound certain.

It was mostly true. I was glad to see Nikko recovered and looking like himself again. Although I’ve always been drawn to his rugged good looks, the image was tainted now by the fact that he had cheated on me. That was why he was my ex and not my current boyfriend.

Marek gave me a look that was both indulgence and disappointment. I ignored him and smiled at James and Nikko as they approached. At least one of us could be polite.

To be continued in the book!

Ember’s Shadow - Into the Darkness, Chapter One

Marek's features were a little too sharp to be called traditionally handsome, but his features have grown on me. It may have something to do with him saving my life and sharing his blood with me. It also could be his dark hair that fell just past his ears and his athletic build. The package was impressive if you ignored his personality.

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